
Showing posts from May, 2019

Recycling a Step too Far?

I am trying to do what little I can to save the planet. Easier said than done a lot of the time. Perhaps I'm not quite as committed as I could, or indeed I should be, but I really am doing my best and trying hard. Baby steps. Surely anything is better than nothing. My main bugbears are plastics, and wasting food. I recycle what I can and take brown paper bags to the supermarket to put my fruit and veg into, and loose bakery items can be put into them too. However, on so many occasions I am unable to purchase loose products. I have now taken to unwrapping them, once I'm through the checkout of course, and leave the supermarket to deal with the issue. Yes, I do get a few funny looks, but hey who cares I'm saying the planet. LOL. I know this doesn't get rid of the problem but if more people did it them maybe all supermarkets would start to take the issue more seriously. I know some supermarkets are starting down that road and good for them, let's hope more follow sui...