Here is my first post after returning home. It's a tale of ups and downs!

 After problems with snow, delayed shipment resulting in my husband having to return to Shanghai leaving me with 310 boxes to unpack.

 Ok, so nothing for it but to roll up my sleeves and get on with it. Before long the boxes were diminishing but I was being overwhelmed with boxes and paper. I arranged for removal company to take away boxes but they wouldn't take away the paper so local council to the rescue. Having stipulated they would remove maximum of 20 pieces I decided to push it a bit and put out 25 black bags of paper. To my surprise not only did they take them away but they  removed them, and they cleared my bin storage and left it totally empty. This was such a relief as I was at a loss at what to do with all my wet cardboard. So well done South Lanarkshire Council. A few trips to the local tip and I was almost rubbish free.

So with only a few boxes to empty and the place really starting to feel like home I was feeling quite at home and very happy, waiting for the day when my husband gets back to join me. I got myself into the kitchen, I was baking, mostly banana bread but thanks to a donation of rhubarb made some jam, and as I was enjoying it so much I soon had strawberry and raspberry joining it on the shelf.

And then it all started to fall apart! I had been saying there was movement on the floorboards in the hall. Little did I realise how bad it was. Within the week I had all the floors in hall and most of tiles in kitchen lifted. A leak had occurred and the floor was soaking it all up. A nail had been put through a pipe in the underfloor heating and added to that another leak had occurred so all was not well. My lovely new house was being ripped apart and all the stuff which had been lovingly laid out was now piled into two of the bedrooms. Thankfully the lounge and master bedroom were spared. What was left was covered in dust and 8 dehumidifiers were cluttering up the house. There was tears, there was anger and I was ready to head back to Shanghai. A week on it's still drying out and the initial horror has worn off. The builders are working every minute to get everything restored to normal. A total deep clean at the end of it should go some way to restore my love for the house, and my confidence in my builders.

Watch this space.............


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