.....except it’s not! One week into isolating and social distancing, phrases that have become part of everyday conversation, even for my 4 year old grandson, Saturday comes around just as it does every week. But the question this week isn’t “where will we go?” But instead it’s “what can we do?” Everyone has there own way of coping, of dealing with being with the people they live with. It may be a large family household, in which case there will be a lot of fun going on, even in these uncertain times, but there will also be the lows to go with the highs. The home schooling is only a week old, still novel but not easy on the parents. Some of them will be asking difficult questions, they will be afraid and for parents whose job is to protect the children it is a testing time. Little kids aren’t understanding why they can’t have their play dates, their swimming lessons etc. But thankfully they are unaware of what’s going on and they will bounce back when it’s all over. Then th...