As the lockdown continues it’s amazing how much the simple things become so important to us. A delicious cup of coffee with a blueberry muffin. Served in a nice cup can go a long way to help brighten up my day. It’s a treat on a Costa trip, but just as much of a treat when taken in the comfort of home. Simple to make, can’t go wrong with them, and a real plus is they are so much cheaper than a coffee shop visit!

Lunch so often ends up being a sandwich with whatever is lying around in the fridge. Sometimes with soup but that depends on how organised my cooking has been. 
One day last week I had some hot and some cold smoked salmon needing to be used. I had been on an M&S trip! I also had some bagels in the bread bin. I usually have these for breakfast but with some cream cheese, the salmons and a few capers made for a very acceptable lunch. 

I am trying so hard not to waste anything if I can help it. I’m doing not so badly. Leek and potato soup got the addition of shredded Brussels Sprouts lurking in bottom of vegetable rack. Still ok once outside leaves were removed, and once shredded into the soup just before end of cooking gave a nice green colour to soup. Once blitzed you’d never have known they were there. 

There are days when good old comfort food is what we want to eat and what’s better than a nice dish of Mac’n”Cheese?   
I was always amazed when I lived in USA that people spiced it up and added all sorts of things to it. I have to say lobster 🦞 mac’n’cheese  is quite delicious but for everyday I want it simple. Made with a strong cheddar and finished under the grill it the way I like it best. 

I had a portion of mixed fish in the freezer. I hadn’t labelled it very well but knew it would make for a nice fish pie. It was a surprise to find with the usual salmon and prawns some little scallops and a piece of monkfish. This would be a really special pie. I also had some sauce I’d frozen last time I’d made one. So all I needed to do was cook the fish, add the sauce and mash to the top of it. 
I often use smoked haddock in a fish pie, the flavour is the best in my opinion. I poach the smoked fish in milk and use this to make my sauce. I was so happy to have some saved for this pie. 
I made it in the afternoon and 40 minutes in the oven was all it took to put dinner on the table. For the last 15 minutes I added some cheesy tomatoes and green beans to to oven. A little oil and some seasoning was all it took to make a nice accompaniment to the fish pie.

We are all doing whatever it takes to make our best of the situation we find ourselves in. No wrongs, no rights and no judgements. Whatever works is good. 

I love to cook, I like too make my food look the best I can, for the most part anyway. There are days when I’m happy with egg and chips or a toasted cheese sandwich eaten in front of the tv. But to cook and and then to sit at a table and chat over dinner, keeping conversation always from what’s going on and instead focusing on other things is my way of relaxing. 

I hope you’re all coping, doing what you do to help you through it. Every new day is a day closer to getting back to our old lives. I sometimes wonder if it will be a new normal that we go back to. I’d like to think we’ll remain appreciative of the simple things. The hugs, the freedom to pop to the shops and full shelves in the supermarket, oh and the vast aisles of toilet rolls we’d been longing for πŸ˜‚
A friendly wave from neighbours, and indeed strangers. Strangely life does in many ways feel simpler at the moment even given the difficulties we are facing. 
I am thankful my daughters and family are coping with all that they are up against. We’d all do anything to spare our kids and grandchildren from experiencing this awful time. Staying apart is the only way to help the seems so harsh but it is the way to show our love for them. They are stronger than we  think and will come out of it stronger than ever. 

An interesting, and I think a different world awaits us on the other side. 
Stay home, stay safe.


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