THREE WEEKS in............

So here we all are almost three weeks into lockdown. Some people not quite got the hang of it yet!  Or perhaps I should say choose to ignore it for whatever reasons. I cannot for the life of me understand this attitude. Surely not seeing family or friends for a period of time must be better than risking never seeing them again. A small price to pay.

During the first two weeks I am sure, like me, you’ve  been inundated with quizzes. Music quizzes, movie quizzes, place name quizzes to name a few. We’ve seen kids, grannies, families and others singing, dancing, juggling and any number of skills people have been saving up for just this occasion. But now it seems people have gone out there too soon, it’s all slowing down. They’ve burned out. Nothing left to entertain us with. In some cases no bad thing. Lol. We should be pacing ourselves for a longer period of isolation not rushing into things as if it will be over tomorrow, it won’t be.

I have been guilty of rushing into “projects” drawer tidying, organising photos, jam making, bread making, this one at least useful.....  But what now? Hours in front of the tv after our daily walk? Gallons of coffee and tea, perhaps the glass of wine getting earlier and earlier every day? Who knows. Let’s see what the next few weeks bring.

Here are a few of my projects. 

And here is one I’d never tried before but think I will be doing it more. 

I started of with a candle kit but now I have started to use up the bits of candle left in the containers. I chop them up and if unscented add my own oils, lavender my favourite at the moment. Certainly a lot cheaper than buying new. #wasting nothing at the minute. 

Next week I’ll come back with a recipe not just my ramblings. 
I think at this time we all have so many thoughts and fears going through our minds that it helps to put them down on paper. 
Take care, relax and don’t forget we are part of history in the making. We all have our own ways of coping, no rights or wrongs, no judging. 


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