A Life in Lockdown.........

It seems to me, from what I read and from speaking to people, life seems to fall into several groups of what we once referred to as chores but which now seem less onerous during lockdown. These are the household duties. Cooking, cleaning and gardening then there is exercise and lastly hobbies.

 Now let me address the exercise first. Pre lockdown we occasionally took a walk around the neighbourhood and now we do it every day, going further and further and it’s an easy way of getting exercise. We’re getting to know people streets away, and people close by, we are meeting with others who we only normally see in local coffee shop. It’s opened our eyes to what a lovely community we are living in. A local FB page for residents is doing a great job. It feels as if everyone is just waiting for someone to pop by so they can pop out for a chat.
While walking the other day the smell of lilac was amazing. A quick post to residents FB page asking if anyone could spare lilac some brought lots of kind offers. A lovely lady arrived with some for me and an arrangement to meet for a coffee after this is all over was made.

So now I’m enjoying, even if only for a few days the wonderful aroma indoors. I also have a promise of more when I want it.  

Next cleaning. Firstly as no one is popping in so not too much to do. Now that every drawer, cupboard and wardrobe has been de-cluttered a simple tidy everyday and once a week a bit of a bigger clean is all that is required. Bathrooms being the exception, getting cleaned every day and towels changed everyday. But as we have all day to do it there’s no rush. Also the lovely sunshine means our laundry smells so fresh. I appreciate this most when I slip into freshly laundered sheets. Not having to get it done between work or shopping, or before guests arrive, or before we head out makes it all seem less of a chore. I can do it at my leisure leaving time to engage in hobbies. 

Something as simple as reading a book without having to rush to finish a chapter is a pleasure. I’ve just bought Michelle Obama’s book and look forward to starting it.

 I’ve started to draw with painting about to follow. I’m not great at it but no one’s judging and it’s relaxing. A nice way to fill some time. A nice cuppa sitting beside me I can soon pass a few hours. 

Lastly cooking.  As you probably all know is one of the things I never tire of doing. So how has this changed? Well for one I am using up all the leftovers and monitoring sell by dates much more closely. I’m experimenting a bit more too. If I’m short of an ingredient I improvise. No rushing out to get it. 
Today for example I had mushrooms needing to be used up. I gathered all the little end bits of cheese from the fridge and with some fresh thyme from the garden (another hobby) And eggs I soon had a “tortilla” in the oven. 
It’s best to dry fry mushrooms first before adding egg. Mushrooms give off a lot of water which can give the dish a greyish colour if you don’t do this. 

This would be nice for lunch, not only today but throughout the week. Cut into small squares a nice nibble with drinks at quarantini hour. 😁 To make it into a proper lunch I put together some simple salads. A tin of mixed beans with a squeeze of lime juice, salt and pepper, a glugg of olive oil and some chopped coriander, makes for a very tasty side. Some boiled new potatoes with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper and a teaspoon of grainy mustard poured over them when still hot so they suck up all the flavour is delicious. Then a pineapple which needed using up was slightly more challenging for a salad. I decided to chop it up, add it to boiled pasta with some mayo and chopped chives. Yes experimenting here, might sound odd but it was again very tasty. Added dressing when hot.  Wasn’t sure if it would curdle but it didn’t and I was really happy with it.

We enjoyed a lovely lunch with lots of leftovers to eat up in the coming days. Using up what you have is so satisfying. Just takes a bit of imagination and thinking outside the box sometimes. Give it a go and don’t forget the frozen peas and beans they make great additions to tortillas with some fresh  mint. 

Without my garden my kitchen creations wouldn’t taste quite the same. I don’t have a big garden as we live in an apartment but it’s big enough to have a great little kitchen garden area and a nice patio with flowering tubs where we can sit and enjoy alfresco eating. 

I also have a few herbs on the kitchen windowsill so always have something to hand. 

I’m waiting to see if the wasabi and lemongrass is going to grow in this climate. Thought it was worth giving it a go. Might get lucky. 

What makes all this seem crazy is that we always have time. With no work commitments to stop us doing whatever we want whenever we want and  yet it has taken this awful virus for us to realise how fragile life is. How we should be making the best of our time. 

I know most people will return to work and busy lives in coming months but hopefully this time will have given some people time do do things they otherwise wouldn’t have had  time to do. Even if this was only spending more time with family, more time to play with them, to read to them and to enjoy being together. Soon life will go back to being busy but I’m sure 2020 will be a time no one will forget. 


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