Strange how this lockdown is affecting people. This weekend I have been feeling nostalgic, which probably isn’t too surprising to be thinking of better times before all this began. A couple of memories on FB only made these feelings stronger. 

First was a memory of a small school reunion we had last year. A friend who over 40 years ago moved to Australia was coming home for a visit. We had seen him several times since then, both there and here. He had  also kept in touch with 3 other couples who we had all but lost touch with. Seemed like the perfect opportunity to get us all together. 
Fortunately everyone was available and willing to travel to glasgow. Some further than others. We had a lovely night remembering school days, all we got up to and left saying we’d do it again. But summer holidays came and grandparent duties kicked in for some, then months passed a a few  attempts were thwarted by colds and flus. Now this. Who knows when we’ll be able to get together again but we will I’m sure of that. 

Then up popped pics of a ball we had enjoyed in Shanghai. Wonderful days now behind us but full of great memories. We met lots of lovely people, and thankfully some now living not so far away so we do get together. It may not be the huge extravagant events we were in the habit of enjoying there but nonetheless we always have a wonderful time together. 

This got me thinking to all the wonderful dishes we’d eaten in Shanghai. That in turn got me to thinking how I would put my culinary skills to the test and cook a Chinese meal for dinner. 
I’d done a few cooking classes while I lived there so producing a couple of our favourites wasn’t going to be too difficult. They wouldn’t be perfect but good enough to bring back the memory of eating them there. 

Seemed to do the trick and as we tucked in we remembered the special times we had enjoyed. It was by no means a perfect reincarnation of the dishes but perfectly acceptable. Got me to thinking I must do it more often and maybe then I’ll get closer to the original dishes. Chinese food there is so different from here and I do miss it. 
However there are many more reasons I’d rather be here than there, all under the umbrella of family. 
Although at this point feel as far away as we did when we were in Shanghai. So frustrating being so close but feeling so far away. 

Lastly I got to thinking even further back. To the days when we all shopped at local shops. Before shopping centres destroyed small town centres. Every town, however small would have a couple of butchers, bakers flower shops etc. Families always were loyal to one and that would be passed down the generations. In particular I remember a bakers, Brodie’s. There was always queues outside and I would be sent on a Saturday morning to wait in the queue for rhubarb tarts. I can still smell the baking as I write this. Although I hated the queueing, still do today, it was always worth it when I finally had the white box tied with string, the tarts still warm inside. All the better when we got home and ate them with a nice cup of tea. I seem to remember we often had then for dessert, with ice cream.
This again sent me scurrying into the kitchen. I had rhubarb in the fridge, no room for more jam in the cupboard. I’m trying to empty a freezer to de frost and restock it so with not much left I pulled out a packet of shortcrust pastry. So an easy, some might say cheats bake lay ahead.
I lightly poached the rhubarb with sugar. Once pastry had thawed out I cut it out and filled with the rhubarb, baked and while still warm we tucked into one with a nice cup of tea. 

They were good. They did the job of bringing happier times into my mind. Mixed emotions. I guess you’d call them bittersweet. Thought of family no longer with us, but was thankful to have these memories to Reach for at times like this. 



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