This morning I woke up with thought that I had absolutely nothing to do. The pouring rain meant a nice walk wasn’t going to be on the cards and the house has been tidied and cleaned to within an inch of it’s life! Not to say I couldn’t find something to dust, polish or sanitise, but you know what? I’m going to hold my hand up and say I just couldn’t be bothered. There I’ve said it, no going back.
Usually at this time I’d be getting the house ready for Easter. The Easter box would be dug out, the eggs hung from twigs found in the garden or bought catkins. The catkins are bought but eggs will stay in their box this year as will the Easter wreath, fake grass and bunny rabbits. Last year I did it all but going to take a year off this year. My thoughts are “what’s the point”. Not my usual stance but it’s been a long year and sometimes the optimism and enthusiasm wanes just a bit. I’ll be back bigger and better next year,
This is my nod to Easter and spring this year. It brightens up the room and makes me feel that spring is not so far away. With clocks “springing” forward this weekend we can look forward to light nights and maybe before too long some warmer spring days which will eventually slide into summer and with it will come reunions of families and friends. To long lunches, dinners and suppers cooked and eaten with friends and most importantly the family all back together with all the lovely chaos that comes with it. Our new home was never intended to be void of company. We had envisioned it full of laughter and fun. It was, for a brief time, so now lots of time to made up for once we are allowed once more to live the live we are used to and have taken for granted for so many years. But never again..........
So for now I will make do with my spring flowers, with making plans for the good days ahead. I’ll meal plan, shop to be sure the freezer and cupboards are prepared for extra bodies who will hopefully soon be joining us once again. You never know I might be tempted to break out just an egg or two for the spring foliage who knows. But if I do or don’t doesn’t really matter because I know with the light now shining brighter at the end of the long tunnel I am so thankful that as a family we’ve all coped with it and most importantly we are all still healthy and ready to get on with our lives. I think we will all be more grateful for the small things in life from now on.
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