Today was on the calendar as the final day to finish festive decorating. Really all that was left to do was put the tree up. It always takes way longer than I think it will. One of the things I love most is reminiscing with all the ornaments as they are put on the tree. Remembering where I’d bought them, who was with me and of course remembering the people not with us now. I treasure all the memories. 

One by one the ornaments were put on the tree. Slowly it all started to come together. I thought I was just about there when I found another box I’d missed. So I then I had to find spaces to put them all. Nothing can be left behind. I had a few repairs to do. Out came the glue gun and a butterfly wing was reattached and a handprint from my youngest grandchild, Oliver had to have a finger glued back on. Repairs done they then found their place on the tree. 

When the last adjustments were made, the lights switched on and I was able to stand back to check everything looked okay I was happy with the final result. Exhausted but happy I packed away the boxes and tidied up. 

One more thing to hang the wreath on the front door.
So tonight I can sit back and relax knowing that for this year the Christmas decor was complete. 


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