Today was a productive day. Trip to post office to start with then home to make some soup for lunch. It was a soup cooking class as Robin is keen to add this to his skills. It’s one of the easiest things to make because no real recipe required,it can be added to as you go along. Starting with basics, onion, garlic and ham stock from the freezer. We added tomatoes potatoes and lentils. Potatoes release starch so help thicken a soup. We decided to add some smoked paprika for more flavour.  With S&P we ended up with a nice tasty soup and lots left over for tomorrow. A successful class.😂 I then wanted to try out a new recipe for a pork terrine. Easy to put together but an hour and a half cooking time plus allowing it to cool in the oven means it was a long cook and as yet haven’t tasted it. But it looks and smells ok so hopefully with a nice crusty loaf will make for a nice lunch tomorrow. Some will be frozen too to be used when needed. 

After lunch I got back to wrapping and think apart from a couple of gifts I’ve yet to buy I’m finished. It feels good and all the wrapping materials can be put away very soon now. I really need to get guest room cleared and ready for Christmas visitors. 

Not long now and thankfully not too much to do. 

I may be struggling to find something to write about! Need to get on to those cocktails I keep promising myself. Watch this space 


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