The turkeys in the bag! Well fridge actually. A trip to M&S today to pick up an order so decided to have a wander round to see what was sell by dates were on the products. For the most part they were after 25th, and many to end of the month, so was able to buy the turkey 🦃 and put a few extra treats into the trolley while I was there. So we are now well and truly ready for the big day.

It feels so good to be this organised  I even ironed the table cover today. Not my favourite job. But now it’s done.

I am aware that everything is on a bit of a knife edge at the moment and keeping my fingers crossed that we all stay healthy.  Hoping too that all our friends manage to enjoy a Christmas that so many of us missed out on last year. 

Keeping social contacts to a few people and testing regularly  is our way of life at the moment. Who knew this would become part of the Christmas preparations, let’s hope it’s one that doesn’t become a long term tradition and we can go back to our carefree Christmases once again . 

With not too much to do, another Christmas film this afternoon.   But first taking time out to get the Christmas message posted in the last place in the house without a festive message. The utility room 😂😂

So now it doesn’t feel left out of the party. 


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