This morning I woke up with thought that I had absolutely nothing to do. The pouring rain meant a nice walk wasn’t going to be on the cards and the house has been tidied and cleaned to within an inch of it’s life! Not to say I couldn’t find something to dust, polish or sanitise, but you know what? I’m going to hold my hand up and say I just couldn’t be bothered. There I’ve said it, no going back. Usually at this time I’d be getting the house ready for Easter. The Easter box would be dug out, the eggs hung from twigs found in the garden or from.shop bought catkins. The catkins are bought but eggs will stay in their box this year as will the Easter wreath, fake grass and bunny rabbits. Last year I did it all but going to take a year off this year. My thoughts are “what’s the point”. Not my usual stance but it’s been a long year and sometimes the optimism and enthusiasm wanes just a bit. I’ll be back bigger and better next year, This is my nod to Easter and spring this ye...