Nearly there! Bit of baking this morning to fill the tins, again, and a trip to town for lunch. It was quiet for this time of year and restaurant also quiet, although had started to get a bit busier as we left. As it was now pouring with rain we just headed straight home. 

By the time we got to the car we were soaked and chilled. Couldn’t wait to get home and into dry clothes. Yes, we had gone out without raincoats, but added to the issue was that it was sleety rain. Not pleasant at all. 
We were no sooner home and into dry clothes than we were enjoying hot drinks and choosing our daily movie. It has become a daily ritual this week. I think as I was so organised with nothing much to do it just seemed the perfect way to pass an afternoon. Today we chose Love Actually. Love it, even although I’ve seen it so many times. Luckily we’ve been able to find a movie that we both enjoyed. Let’s hope we can find another couple over the next two days to take us to Christmas Day. 

Hot chocolate had to be in our Christmas mugs. They are used almost exclusively as for the rest of the year they are packed away with the Christmas decorations.
 It’s been a lovely week so far. Think I’ll try and be as organised next year. Certainly let’s us enjoy the  season without the usual rushing around. Let’s hope I can repeat it next year. 


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